Everything You Sort of Wanted to Know About Car Batteries
Have you ever wondered how a car battery worked? If you look at a car battery, like every battery, it has a positive and negative part. Look at the kind of battery you use in a toy or the TV remote control - it’s positive on one end and negative on the other. When you put it in the toy or remote control, you connect the two end sand produce electricity. Please note that this is an extremely simplified explanation of how it all works. A complicated chemical reaction actually takes place inside a battery – even in those tiny ones. Basically, a car battery works the same way. When you turn the key, (crank the engine), you tell the battery to send an electric current to the starter, which then turns on the engine. The car battery also keeps the electric current even. So, your car battery both starts your vehicle and steadies the electric current. Once again, this is an extremely simplified description of the all the work and chemical processes that are actually going on in t...